About Tree Worx
We are a locally owned and family operated business in Chico. Our professional contractors, arborists and knowledgeable crews all work with a very high standard in all areas of tree care and preservation. While providing great service and attention to detail we complete jobs in a timely manner with safety always being our first priority.
Who We Are
Tree Worx is locally owned and family operated
Customer Experience
We enjoy what we do and provide great customer service.
Attention to Detail
We believe that a good final cleanup is essential
Our Mission
We are dedicated to providing our clients with the best solutions for all of their tree care needs. Our crew takes a lot of pride in our work, from first cut to final cleanup. Trees give us shade, air to breathe, and provide homes to a wide variety of animals. We believe that trees are one of the main foundations of our ecosystem.
Sean Murray, Owner
In the Community
Our out look on trees is that they are simply amazing. For every tree we remove, 2 seedlings will be planted.
Local Schools
Twice a year we will take all the seedlings to a local school and donate them for the kids to plant in designated areas. There will be some information about trees that goes with them. This will promote the positive outlook on trees and how they are vital part of our ecosystem.
We recycle everything that we can. Currently, we are working on milling our logs into slabs as well as repurposing them into firewood.